Wednesday, April 28, 2010

#11 and #78

#11-Wake up with Earl. I have been waking up with Earl this week, and we've been praying together every morning, which is such a huge blessing. I tend to go in spurts with this, but I enjoy my time without any kids awake, so I hope to continue. I won't cross this goal off until I have been doing it about a month so I know it's a habit.

#78-use reusable grocery bags I shopped at Aldi yesterday, and had to use my grocery bags. It was so much easier to carry groceries in and put them away this way. I am going to put them in my car again, and try it next time I go to the store. I don't think I'll cross this one off the list yet either.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Joining the Blog World

I have decided to start blogging. My sister started a list of 101 things to accomplish in 1001 days. At first I thought it was strange, but then I kept thinking of all the things I want to accomplish and decided i would make my own list! It's not complete yet, I have to pray about all the goals I want to accomplish. But this is going to be my place to keep track of my accomplishments with this list, and whatever else I feel like talking about.